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(EDIT) So I forgot to schedule this post and do I feel silly! This is a few months late but I’m posting it now. (EDIT)
Oh man, it’s time to gush about the Webtoons Canvas Community.
Joined in this beautiful spring-themed collab hosted by linda_sejic and beta1042 as a way to meet new creators and collaborate with some old friends. The theme was a field of flowers with out characters sitting on top. I jumped at the sunflower since it represents Casimir. Please feel free to check out the link to see the post on instagram and follow the rest of the artists in the collab.
I’ll post a special large version of Casimir and Diana for patrons only in a few days!
This collaboration was organized and animated by the amazing BluMouse creator of Light Within Shadow. Please feel free to check out all the creators in the links below.
Ilworld by RobotsAteMyBabies
Light Within Shadow by BluMouse
Jelly Vs Julie by JellyfishFromMars
I See Through You by FossilizedNara
Warning, there is some blood and slightly disturbing scenes of death in this collab! Please feel feel free to check out the other creators in this collab!
I drew a bonus doodle of Diana and Casimir as well~!
So I was really excited to draw some 1890-1910’s style clothing for this murder mystery and I went a little hard on Diana’s dress. I’m gonna end up putting her in a dress from every time period eventually. Gotta love that Gibson Girl hair!